you are not really the princess.

    发布时间:2015-12-23   来源:中华康网   
, Please see the following text carefully, sincerely hope that you will gain some!

If you have just graduated from college, did not work, then I suggest you have to depend on your family environment.

If you have just graduated from college, with a meager salary of the job, I strongly recommend you receive paychecks, the first six months, the province of 500 yuan a month to six months is 3,000, this money spent on projects in the following:

1, purchase two sets of formal suits, no matter what unit you work, the unit has no uniform dress code;

2, for purchase of two pairs of shoes to wear on formal occasions, a decent handbag;

3, buy some lively and dignified clothes to wear in a non-working time;

4, learning to use a simple cosmetics, if not at least look at;

5, at least to the middle of a restaurant to eat Western food, do not eat expensive, look at the contents of the Western (eat,Tiffany and Co Outlet, with the environment);

6, do not hurry to go back to school and back home, or to repay school loans, or even go home for the New Year.

you make money in the above areas, further studies should be considered after two years of things, because it requires a lot of time and money, but just out of school you need most is to integrate into society, understanding of the community., people rely on clothes, in the real world is indispensable.

Please do not blame me old-fashioned ideas, I always believed that the girl and her much happiness in the future marriage and family ties together and you will encounter what kind of person, get to know what kind of Friends, depends entirely on your own, you are the type of person. At this point, you can choose! Forget the uninhibited and personalized it!

If you have already graduated and working in about three years, now there is no money, and even a few mentioned above have not done so, please:

1, immediate planning and action, first do the above that a few;

2, if you have a little more deposits, I said that the RMB 10000-20000. this money, it's worth the largest investment you own.

move your account to your city to work, unless your original account than your good work in the city's accounts. Although the account does not mean anything, the country's development and reform of household registration policy is also among the. Moving account, you can express yourself in the future to be determined or where the life of faith, incidentally, has the advantage of medical insurance, pension seems a bit distant. Your service company, your current boyfriend, your future boyfriend or husband may arise is the value of these. Moved into the account, you will not always frustration comes in, back home in the heart suggest themselves to seek your own happiness is not determined.

If you are young, of course, you are very young, there is no boyfriend, or have a boyfriend but no marriage plans (mean 18 months), then a commercial insurance to buy their own bar. Regardless of years of payment is 2,000 yuan, 3,000 yuan, or 5,000, you need a! Made a good buy. Do not think about what use the insurance (death? Not so back, right? Major diseases, there did not have to lose?). I want to tell you, not to consider these, as to save money now! If, I say if would have happened, if you go, you can give parents a few years of leaving retirement money; if you are unfortunate ill, you will not easily drag you down to your house and you have to buy down as much as possible. (I used to not in the insurance industry, the insurance is not very sure, but I bought the insurance). Now I am engaged in insurance, feel deeper, there is need to consult qq: 907994968

If your unit is not organized physical examination, their own money each year to the medical examination once a regular physical examination, the cost of 300 yuan. I usually choose their own birthday before, whether or not you celebrate birthdays and , his first to send a gift to yourself.

aspects of daily living is not to say, learning a few special dish it, and occasionally revealed a few hands.

opportunity and happiness will not automatically appear in front of you,Louis Vuitton Outlet, when you do these things, you step away from the nearest well-being.

lesson in life after graduation

first lesson: you have to accept the reality of life has always been unfair.

second lesson: the real world and school is different here, no one care so much about your self-esteem. You must first be successful, are eligible to feel good about themselves.

Lesson: Sorry, you can not graduate high school on the annual salary of U.S. $ 60,000 a year, it is impossible when the vice president comes on the car. It is possible that you do have to wear the uniform of popular and dependable.

fourth lesson: you are not eligible ... ...

Lesson 5: No matter how you say Dad, you are not really the princess.

sixth lesson: you can not want what there is.

Lesson 7: so you have a boss, you'll know that the teacher has more amiable.

Lesson 8: Do not focus their energies are used for small world.

Class 9: schools may have abolished the survival of the fittest, but life can not.

Lesson 10: Life is like playing dodgeball.

Chapter 11: After graduation, your competitors, not those childhood coward.

12: You have to accept it.

Chapter 13: You will not enter the NBA,Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags, so not trouble yourself to wear those shiny luxury, first to work it!

Lesson 14: hot dress again, does not make you more powerful.

fifteenth lesson: In the fast-food restaurants shuffling plates is not a shameful thing. In your grandfather's generation, the kind of work is called

Chapter 16: your parents and brother do not give you shame. The real shame is ungrateful and rude.

Seventeenth Lesson: before you were born, parents can not now so boring. Are you pay for, shuttle back and forth, cleaning your room, you keep tuition fees, to listen to you talk to is how idealistic ... These people spend out of trivia.

Chapter 18: real life is not counted by semester, and there is no such thing as summer vacation children.

nineteenth lesson: If you screwed up, it was responsible for their own, do not blame the parents. Article

class A: Smoking does not look cool, but you like an idiot. Article

class B: Even if your mother is very powerful, the principal is very weak, you can not want to wear nose ring to wear nose rings, like why you why.

twenty-first lesson: Some people offend you? So what? I mean really, how can like that?

the twenty-second lesson: You hardly a victim, so stop complaining!

Chapter 23: One day you have to grow up, move out of parents' real home.

the twenty-fourth lesson: Batman's girlfriend said yes children: important thing is not who you are, but what you do.

twenty-fifth lesson:

Chapter 26:

plus lesson:

twenty-seventh lesson: Do not listen to the lower body the command.

the twenty-eighth lesson: Cautiousness.

twenty-ninth lesson: learn to face the hypocrisy.

Thirty-class: Zero tolerance = no common sense.

thirty lesson: not skinny in reality the United States.

thirty-second lesson: life and drama are two different things.

thirty-third lesson: the nerd kind of something that honest, maybe the last you have to work it in the hands of others.

thirty lesson: the winner will have its own philosophy of life, failure is no different.

thirty-fifth lesson: If your ass is too fat, McDonald's can not force you to eat their Big Mac; if you smoke, it was not the fault of Marlboro.

thirty-sixth lesson: you are not invulnerable, immortal.

the thirty-seventh lesson: well-informed does not mean you are all well aware of.

thirty-eighth lesson: when communicating with others, to watch each other's eyes.

thirty ninth lesson: play a lot of black and white film are true story. World is not born from the moment you begin operation.

forty lesson: that spend millions of items is simply to put you into a pig brain, learn to clear, structured thinking about it.

forty lesson: Many people have experienced those things you are, you are not the first nor the only one.

Forty-second lesson: Change your oil.

forty lesson: Do not let other people's success against their own.

Forty-fourth lesson: colleagues do not have to become friends, friends not your family.

Forty-fifth lesson: big people may have forgotten how terrible your age. But you have to remember: This will be the last.

forty-sixth lesson: mind checking out the basement of the guinea pig.

Forty-seventh lesson: you're not perfect, do not have to become perfect.

Forty-eighth lesson: look at your life, seize the key.

forty-ninth lesson: do not forget to say thank you.

Fifty lessons: to cherish and enjoy the present time
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