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  vi.被修饰; 修改;

  vt.改变; 减轻,减缓; [语]修饰,(用变音符号)改变;


  But it's hard to modify a product whose chemistry is notwell understood. 但是在未知一个产品的化学组成就去修饰完善它是非常困难的。

  Bill lockyer, the treasurer of the state of california, leda campaign to force the agencies to modify theirscales. 加利福尼亚州财政部长比尔•洛克耶则发起一场运动,试图迫使评级机构修改评级体系。

  The difference: drive has editing software baked rightin, so you can create, modify and share documents,spreadsheets and presentations extremely easily. " 两者不同之处在于:Drive内置了编辑软件,所以能非常容易地创建、修改、分享文档、电子表格和简报。

  Arduino publishes all the designs and schematics forits products, including its popular circuit board, foranyone to use, modify, or sell themselves. Arduino公开发布各种产品,包括其畅销电路板的所有设计图和电路图,任何人都能拿来自行使用、修改或销售。

  Once the "dna" of a company--the business model--isset, it is very difficult to modify. 一个公司的“DNA”——商业模式——一旦确定,那就很难改变了。

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