男性 健身 | 休闲 | 保健 | 疾病 | 爱好 | 品味
女性 美容 | 整形 | 减肥 | 职场 | 情感 | 育儿
健康 男科 | 妇科 | 疾病 | 外科 | 体检 | 食疗 | 心理
生活 家居 | 旅游 | 养生 | 急救 | 解梦 | 星座 | 美食
医学药学 | 健康资讯
中医中药 | 老人健康
准备期 孕前检查
怀孕期 孕期保健 | 怀孕中期
怀孕晚期 | 分 娩 期
分娩期 产后恢复
新生儿 护理保健
婴儿期 1-3月宝宝 | 4-6月大宝宝
7-9月宝宝 | 10-12月宝宝
幼儿期 1-2岁宝宝
少儿期 学龄前
少 儿
您的位置: 中华康网 >> 其他 >> 第四节 被安多福全奖录取(4)

第四节 被安多福全奖录取(4)

www.cnkang.com  2011-11-24  《从安多福到哈佛》    
核心提示:第四节 被安多福全奖录取(4)   Throughout history, young men and women from all over this countr……

  Throughout history, young men and women from all over this country and the world have found on this campus their intellectual inspiration and moral compass. With our faculty as their guides, Phillips Academy students forge confident visions of the future based on mastery of new ideas and technology and an appreciation for human diversity.

  I look forward to welcoming you and your family personally when you arrive in September. In the meantime, the admission staff and I are here to answer your questions. We would be delighted to put you in touch with Andover faculty, alumni and students for their perspectives. Please call on us.

  The Admission Committee joins me in congratulating you on your admission to the Lower Middle class as a boarding student.


  Jane F. Fried (签名)

  Dean of Admission






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