尿毒症动静脉瘘成形术手术记录(英文 )

    发布时间:2015-01-03   来源:中华康网   

  1.       Under local anaethesia.

  2.       An incision was made on the left wrist.The left radial artery and left cephalic vein were dissected.

  3.       The end of cephalic vein was anastomosed with the side of the artery.Therefore,tremor of blood flow can be touched.北京朝阳医院血管外科王克勤

  4.       The incision was colsed.


  20110323 今天给一个103岁的老先生做AVF creation,腕部的头静脉纤细,采取肘部头静脉和肱动脉吻合,效果不错。

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