
    发布时间:2016-01-23   来源:中华康网   



王海蛟  李玉伟   赵松海   王齐超   谢广田   马培栋  王玉记



  关键词  肿瘤;脊柱;椎体成型术   

  Percutaneous vertebroplasty for spinal metastases/WANG Hai-jiao,LI Yu-wei,ZHAO Song-hai,et al//Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,

  Abstract Objective : To investigate the efficacy of Percutaneous vertebroplasty(PVP) for spinal metastases and the prevention and treatment of complications of PVP. Method: Fifteen patients (twenty-two pathological vertebrae) with spinal metastases underwent percutaneous vertebroplasty .Five cases were at the cervical level,1 at the cervical level with the thoracic level, 3 at the thoracic level, 3 at the thoracic with the lumbar level,4 at the lumbar level and 1 at the sacro-coccygeal level with the iliac. Radiation therapy was performed at pathological vertebral region in all cases at post-PVP. Result: The twenty-one pathological vertebrae in the 15 cases underwent PVP successfully. One of the 22 pathological vertebrae (the second pathological vertebrae of some patient) failed to undergo PVP due to a biopsy needle into subarachnoid.  Complete relief of pain was obtained in 6 cases within 1st week, marked relief in 4 cases, no relief of pain or increased pain in 5 cases.  Complete relief of pain was obtained in 12 cases at more than 3-months follow-up, mild pain in 3 cases which disappear after use of analgesic. Postoperative X-ray film and CT scan showed the complete lesion filling with cement in 18 pathological vertebrae, the lesion filling in a great measure in 3. The leakages of cement occurred among the fifteen levels, which consist of para-vertebral leakages in the 3 levels, the para-vertebral with the anterior venous leakages in the spinal canal in 7, the para-vertebral with epidural leakages in 2, the para-vertebral with the subcutaneous leakages in 2, the intervertebral leakage in 1. No severe complications occurred in the group. Conclusion: PVP can stagnate a lesion and solidify vertebrae as well as relive pain for spinal metastases with safe and effective and mini-trauma technique. Radiation therapy can increase efficacy of PVP.  

  Author’s  address  Department of Spine Surgery, Luohe First People’s Hospital, Henan, 46200, China  

  Key words   Tumor; Spinal column; Vertebroplasty


  经皮椎体成型术(Percutaneous Vertebroplasty, PVP)是在影像学技术(X线、CT等)引导下应用骨穿针经过皮肤穿刺到病变椎体,然后将骨水泥注入,凝止加固病变的一种介入技术。1987年法国放射医师Galibert[1]首先报告了PVP治疗颈椎血管瘤获得成功,1989年被应用于椎体转移性肿瘤的治疗,获得了满意的疗效[2]。

  1 材料与方法



  图1 椎骨造影显示


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